About the Founder

 A Child, A Story , and An App


In the late Fall of 2011  I  stopped in to my OB/GYN office for a check up because my hands and face had started to swell.  Little did I know that this one little moment was about to change my life.  My blood pressure at that time was severely high , my limbs were swollen, and I began suffering from headaches.  This was all occurring two days before Thanksgiving, while we were preparing for our families to join us for the holidays.  The doctors admitted me into the hospital immediately that same day. 

While I was there, the doctors discovered that I had developed severe preeclampsia. The day after Thanksgiving my son was born.  This was the beginning of our tumultuous journey in the NICU.

My Little Man, finally gets to sleep on his stomach

My Little Man, finally gets to sleep on his stomach

While in the NICU many of the resources that were available to us were either handed to me as a book, pamphlet and/or leaflet form.  Other information that I was unclear about was left up to me to search through online research. 

When I looked for  an App to aid me during my journey, I could not find an app that really functioned as a hub to connect someone like me –a  first time NICU  parent–to resources  and support for the NICU community. 

 While in the NICU my son passed away.  The loss of him has truly been my drive, encouragement, and inspiration in the development of this application.  I wanted new NICU parents to have a hub to find resources, branch out and connect to the caring NICU community that is out there.

My hope is that this resource is useful and helpful to parents who walk the NICU journey with their precious little gifts, while knowing that this piece of the road is not filled hurdles .

We would be honored to hear your stories of triumph, pain joys, and tears. Please contact us and let us know what would make this resource beneficial to you and your love ones!

Want to check out the APP?
